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Dorinha Jeans Wear

Company Information
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Dorinha Jeans Wear Company Info

Dorinha Jeans Wear does not currently offer a mail order catalog. Please refer to our online shopping cart for the latest styles, promotions and prices. Click to go to the online catalog.

Do you have what it takes to be a Dorinha Girl? If you are interested in becoming a Dorinha Jeans Wear model, we are always looking for models with that special spark.

Please send us the following information:

  1. How we can contact you: an e-mail address, mailing address, home and mobile phone numbers.
  2. Whether you have any prior modeling experience, and what kind.
  3. Why you want to be a Dorinha Girl.
  4. Statistical information: your height, waist, low waist, hips and thigh measurements, as well as your overall weight (If you already have a pair of Dorinha Jeans, please let us know what size they are.)
  5. Two or more photos of yourself, including at least one of the following:
    a) Full body shot in jeans (preferably in a pair of our Dorinha Jeans!), smiling and/or serious looks.
    b) A swimwear or activewear shot.

Most of our exterior photo shoots are scheduled during the summer months. Studio photo shoots for our online catalog are scheduled year-round

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